Welcome to CIT Indiana
Partnering for Safer and Healthier Communities
Memphis Model Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Program Development
Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) Mapping Workshops
Mental Health & Criminal Justice Training for Professionals
CIT Indiana is a technical assistance center operated by NAMI Indiana, the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, with the support of the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) and in coordination with the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA).
By supporting the development, expansion, improvement, and sustainability of Crisis Intervention Teams, we can help Hoosier communities improve their response when citizens experience a mental health crisis. By engaging in Sequential Intercept Model mapping, we can help communities improve systems to support individuals impacted by mental illness and substance use disorders who are justice-involved or at risk of justice involvement access treatment, support, and resources to prioritize recovery.
Our Justice Programs

Crisis Intervention Team
program development
CIT is a community-based program designed to improve the response to mental health crisis. It focuses on developing collaborative relationships between law enforcement, mental health providers, and individuals impacted by mental illness. As a pre-arrest diversion program, the goals of CIT include increasing safety, decreasing the number of individuals with mental illness entering the criminal justice system, and increasing referrals to mental health services.
Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) Mapping Workshops
NAMI Indiana coordinates Indiana's SIM Mapping Network. Our network of certified SIM facilitators can work with local stakeholders to plan and host a SIM mapping workshop to help you improve your systems to offer resources and support to justice-involved individuals impacted by mental illness and substance use disorders, or those at risk of justice involvement.
“CIT is a must for departments in order to start to change not only the stigma and culture of mental illness concerns, but the culture of law enforcement.” -Sergeant Lance Dardeen- IMPD
“We had 23 students representing nine area agencies. It was also a great bridge builder with other community partners.” -Brett Clark- Hendricks County Sheriff
“I have personally experienced the trust established when CIT officers utilize a compassionate response to individuals in crisis. Such responses result in safer interactions and reduces liability for the agency.” -James Ballard, CFI, Goshen Police Department Community, Mental Health, & Homeless Outreach Liaison (Elkhart Police Department, Retired)